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Rangiora St
16 December 2016 from Progress Castlecliff
We have some exciting new projects coming up next year to continue Castlecliff's rejuvenation process, the first of these is to FIX UP THE SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB BUILDING!! We encourage you all to sign up to Volunteer Whanganui by Email Sandra at so we can make this become reality!! No matter what skills you have we need help to make this and other projects succeed!! Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. We can tell you from experience how great it feels to achieve good things through a group out of your own free will. Plus its fun too! Especially when you see the results! Email Sandra at 
In the news... Wanganui Cronicle
Although the Surf Club was established in 1909 and represented the first such club in New Zealand, the building for the Club was only completed in 1956. It was designed by Michael Talboys and built by McClintock and Oliver for a cost of 6,900 pounds. In 2001 Talboys expressed surprise that the building was still standing due to its proximity to the sea and prevailing weather. He added that a great deal of research went into the substructure of the building to ensure that it would withstand adverse conditions. The depth of the piles is substantially deeper than those of an equivalent building built on solid subsoil. The building is located near the beach and separates the two halves of the beach carpark. The building is generously proportioned with utility areas downstairs, which include a boatshed, showers, wet areas and storage whilst the upstairs is mainly a social space with kitchen facilities. The building was extended in the 1960s to provide additional storage space for equipment. It is described as a modernistic building using the ‘elegant lean to’ or barn style for its overall form. Originally it was smartly clad in black-creosoted weatherboard. These have been replaced in recent years. Castlecliff Coastal Reserve Management Plan – 27 Generously sized windows with large spaces between mullions allow a view of the Tasman Sea aided by a small viewing deck accessed from the hall. A large clock was incorporated into the upper front wall. The building is well built structurally with the upper floor supported by massive rough sawn Oregon beams. All the flooring appears to be 75mm heart Matai and most of the original windows still remain intact. Almost 50 years on the building has an uncelebrated graceful and refreshing elegance true of many modern buildings and houses of this era. Justine Clark and Paul Walker, ‘Looking for the Local’ mention the building in the New Zealand book on Modernist architecture.
Wanganui Surf lifesaving Committee
Chairman of Directors: James Newell
P | 06 345 6958 E |
Director of Life Saving (Club Captain): Daniel Comp
P | 06 344 8064 / M | 027 713 8885 E | E |
Director of Finance: Julie Perkins
P | 06 327 3808 E |
E |
Director of Public Affairs: Melanie Miller
M | 021 0229 4425 E |
Director of Power Craft: Jamie Newell
M | 027 251 8743
Director of Competition and Coaching: Stave Hill
M | 027 813 9247 E |
Director of Education and Youth Development: Laura O’Keefe
M | 027 7749184 E |
The club's history
I'd love to get & publish more on the club's history
& current use - if you can help please email
"The first surf boat known to be used by a surf club in New Zealand was
the lifeboat from the Charles Edward; wrecked in 1908. 
It was gifted to the Castlecliff (Wanganui) club when it was formed in
1911," (1981 Castlecliff SLSC get their first IRB the 27th of 71 SLSC in NZ
to be IRB equipped)
Picture right from 1915 - note surfboards  (from book 
"Sand Between My Toes - The Story of Surf Lifesaving in New Zealand" 
Jackson, Ivan: Penguin Group (NZ) 
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