A public AED for Castlecliff
Fanstastic news - Castlecliff has secured funding for an AED!
So WTF is that you may ask? Basically it's a smart electronic "defibrillator" that can restart a heart when used soon after a cardiac arrest. Without the AED you're looking at a 1 in 10 chance, with CPR and the AED used within 4 minutes you probably live!
Watch this recent TVNZ video for more
The nice folks at Cigna Insurance have paid for the HeartSaver AED and we need to get the funds to put it on the wall near Clifflife/Citadel secured in a codebox & monitored by CCTV. That way if someone had an Cardiac Arrest you run to the box at 16 Rangiora St, the 111 operator gives you the access code & instructions, you run back and maybe save a life! (e.g. this TVNZ link )
Full details, video etc on www.castlecliff.nz/AED
All donations are valued so even if your family can only spare $5 you'll be listed as a sponsor!
$200+ platinum sponsor
$100+ gold sponsor
All individual/family donors & business/club/church/other over $50 listed
Everyone including all donors invited to pōwhiri (incl light refreshments) to welcome the AED & thank donors plus Surf Livesavers will demo AED & basic resuscitation skills. Tentatively 1pm Sunday 18th where our Surf Lifesavers will demo CPR & using the AED.
Excess funds will be earmarked for first aid / health related use. Who knows maybe Castlecliff will raise enough for a 2nd AED!
To make an AED (defibrillator) publicly 24/7 accessible AED for Castlecliff.
Meeting/celebration/CPR&AED training
Sunday date TBC 1pm Clifflife 16 Rangiora St
Locations of other AED's near Castlecliff (limited access & times)
Land Meat NZ - Affco 47 Bryce St 06-349-0038
Downer - Wanganui 501 Heads Road 06-349-2510
GDM Group - Outside the Production Manager's office 25 Gilberd St
Pacific Hemlets 315 Heads Rd 06-344-5019
Amtech 281 Heads Rd 06-349-0150
AFFCO New Zealand Imlay Place 06-349-2400