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Castlecliff events - scroll down for individual club & group listings


Whanganui Boardriders

Whanganui Boardriders is a friendly & active group of surfing mad maniacs who just love getting out there and enjoing our deep ocean waves


Castlecliff Golf Club

Established in 1925, the CGC is a well-groomed, par 72 links course with a free draining sand base. The course provides an excellent challenge to all levels of player


Clubhouse & ramps

Unspoilt by commercial fisherman we have an gereat catch incl.

Snapper, Blue Cod, Tarakihi, Gurnard, Kahawai, Kingfish, Trevally, Hapuka & Cray


Sailing Wanganui

Large clunhouse on river

is our base for learning the ways of the wind and the water.  Sailing teaches you many things and is a truely muli generational sport



Awesome Skate Park

Castlecliff has a dedicated skate park Maybe not so much a multi generational sport but if you've got the skills show them @ the annual Clifflife comp!


Rivermouth & Sea

Always popular river, rivermouth & sea fishing from numerious spots along the riverside and North Mole. Council provided fish cleaning areas.


Large & active club

Over the years the Unit has grown from a small number of enthusiastic volunteers and a very small vessel to a strong viable Unit with a great team.



Duncan Pavilion
Built in 1966. Function room on first for hire & community use. Part of arts festival.
Public toilets & changing rooms (summer onluy) on ground floor.


Sunday Afternoon 

12 noon to 4pm every Sunday afternoon weather permitting.

5 Bryce Street - On field opposite Castlecliff 4 Square



Progress Castlecliff

We are a Castlecliff community group. Our goal is to bring attention to the beauty of our suburb and enrich it all ways we can. Check out our events


Community Church

Everyday people connecting with God, giving Him glory, connecting with our community and making an eternal difference with hope and life.


Castlecliff Bowling Club

Castlecliff Bowling Club, Manuka St opp St Lukes.

Bowlers -your contact details please!!




Sports Club

Castlecliff Club

Large and active community sports & social club. Pool tables, darts, indoor bowls, sports betting & major matches on big screen. Restaurant.


Castlecliff Surf Club

One of New Zealands oldest surf lifesaving clubs, Castlecliff was also the first to have a dedicated lifeboat




New cafe/bar opening

Coming soon to the Rangiora St shops a new cafe/bar.


Find out more here!




Matai St Community Garden

"If we can educate our children about food and how to produce it. It actually saves us money and it's a good thing to know."


Castlecliff Cost Care

The Castlecliff Coast Care project has been in operation for seven years now. 440 Coast Care volunteers & others contributed almost 4,000 hours during the last year!


More  info soon

We're finding more and more good stuff happening in Castlecliff - information on another community group coming here soon




Castlecliff food options

Nothing tastes better than eating your own fresh caught fish on the same beach you caught them off.

But if not we have restaurants too...


Why business comes here

"The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play"


AJ Toynbee


Get out & enjoy life

We're really well serviced with clubs but nothing beats getting out down the beach to Kai Iwi or grabbing your rod for a spot of fishing!

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